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Monday, April 2, 2012

Just Down The Road- Jodi Thomas

On April 3, 2012, my new story JUST DOWN THE ROAD will be released. I’m walking the floor waiting for the birth of this book because I fell like it’s the best I’ve ever written. A friend of mine commented that, over the last 36 books, I’ve said that a few times before, and I probably have, but I work to make each one better and this one shines. For those readers who love stories that wrap around your heart, you’ll love this one. It’s about the people of a small town who, though they think they live private lives also interact and change those around them. I’ve really never thought of the people in my books as characters, for me they are people, as real in my mind as my neighbors. They are wise and foolish, and loving…and unforgettable.
Tinch Turner was one of those rare characters who came to me fully developed. When I met him he was sitting outside the emergency room in Harmony, Texas, counting the roughnecks piling out of a pick-up and heading in for treatment. He was hurt and bleeding, but he’d wait until they were treated before he went in. After all, it was the least he could do, he was the one who sent them to the hospital.
As soon as I had Tinch down on paper I knew he’d have to meet a woman who could be his match. For a while I looked for another fighter, but the doctor who stepped in his path was a frightened woman who’d been broken once and only thought of running when trouble came. She’d have to give him a reason to live and he’d have to show her how to be strong.
Tinch and Addison were born, then in my mind, they took the story and made it their own.
I’m never sure what to say when people ask me what I do for a living. I daydream. I play. I imagine. I create. I scrub the rough worlds clean. I’m not a writer for a living, I’m simply a writer.
In JUST DOWN THE ROAD all my work, and skill and that spark of talent seemed to come together. The people I created breathed. I’m very proud of this book and I hope it makes you laugh, and cry and fall in love with the people who live in Harmony.
Enjoy the story,
Jodi Thomas

**Disclaimer**  This post was written by Jodi Thomas


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Selma Espinosa said...

I'm a 46 years old mother with 3 adorable kids and I have been married for 17 years now. After the birth of our last daughter 2 years ago, I noticed something about my husband that was completely different. He comes home late every night, sleeps on the couch never in the bedroom with me and doesn't give attention to me or the kids. I remember the night he came home drunk and told me he was no longer attracted to me after I had kids.
I cried myself to sleep that night, I could not believe that the man I have loved all my life will someday stopped loving me. Just few days to our wedding anniversary, he stopped coming home and would not take my calls. I had to talk to a friend and she suggested I contact a spell caster who could help me bring back his love and attention. It was the first time I heard such stuff existed, I give it a try with high expectations. After my contact with the Priest spellcaster, he helped me cast a spell that made my husband return home to me and our kids. I know a lot of people need this to help them stay happy in their marriages. You can contact Priest Obongibok let him help you; write him on email obongibok@priest.com or WhatsApp +13612367973.

Selma Espinosa

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