In 2004, Kevin Malarkey and his six-year-old son, Alex, suffered an horrific car accident. The impact from the crash paralyzed Alex—and medically speaking, it was unlikely that he could survive. “I think Alex has gone to be with Jesus,” a friend told the stricken dad. But two months later, Alex awoke from a coma with an incredible story to share. Of events at the accident scene and in the hospital while he was unconscious. Of the angels that took him through the gates of heaven itself. Of the unearthly music that sounded just terrible to a six-year-old. And, most amazing of all . . . Of meeting and talking to Jesus. The Boy Who Came Back from Heaven is the true story of an ordinary boy’s most extraordinary journey. As you see heaven and earth through Alex’s eyes, you’ll come away with new insights on miracles, life beyond this world, and the power of a father’s love.
The Boy Who Came Back from Heaven was written by Kevin Malarkey. A terrible, tragic story of one man's car accident that changed the life of his son, Alex for ever. For me personally, it took me a while to read the book, mostly because I did not enjoy it, but needed to finish it for the review.
I tried to read this book with an open mind, but I will be honest, I don't believe the story. This is my personal opinion. I found the book fascinating, but very hard to believe. While I feel horrible for the family and all that they have gone through, the book to me feels like a way to make a profit out of terrible tragedy. I will let you read the book for yourself to decide, as we are all entitled to our own opinions. I recommend reading it merely for the debate, about whether or not you believe Alex's story.
* Disclaimer* I was given a copy of this book for review purposes. I was not paid for this review. Thanks to Tyndale Publishers for making this review possible.
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