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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

TEXAS BLUE Book Tour with Jodi Thomas

About the book:
TEXAS BLUE, my 31st book, will be out in April and I had a great time with this adventure across Texas. First, I opened in 1875, with two friends parting ways one stormy night in Austin. Duncan, a Texas Ranger, is off to fight at the border and Lewt, a gambler, plans to find a wife while his friend is away.

Duncan, called Duck when he was a boy in earlier books, is wild and fearless. Lewt has never done anything brave and never plans to.
Lewt decides to join a group of men Duncan hand selected to travel to Whispering Mountain and meet his three female cousins. Though Lewt knows his friend would never introduce a gambler to his rich relatives, he wants a chance for more than just a life in saloons.

The reader steps into two stories running at once. Duncan fighting, being hurt in the fight, being held captive and Lewt learning how to act around women he doesn’t have to buy a drink to talk to. Both learn and grow as they discover what is important in life.
Ride along with me and I promise I’ll take you through Texas from a ranch big enough to be its own kingdom to a fight in Texas history that became a legend the Texas Rangers still repeat.

From the author:
I’ve been setting books in Texas history for almost twenty years. As a fifth generation Texan, the world seems very real to me. People sometimes ask if I’d like to go back there, and I always say no, I just loving living there in my imagination. While writing this book I felt like I was returning to a much loved ranch I’d written about before called Whispering Mountain. My hero, Duncan, was rescued as a boy from an outlaw camp and adopted by the McMurrays. He’s been raised with three girl cousins and feels very protective of them. When they think he sent men to the ranching hoping to marry them off, the girls declare war on Duncan.

I hope readers will love this story as much as I loved writing it. Though TEXAS BLUE was my 31st book, I was a little surprised that I still love writing as much as ever. Some stories come easy, some seem more like work, but with this one all I did was turn on the laptop and hang on. The story took off all on its own. My characters were so strong at some points they took over the story.

Wishing you many hours lost in reading,
Jodi Thomas

*Disclosure* All content was written and sent from the author Jodi Thomas with her permission to post.  Thank you to Jodi Thomas for supplying the book to read for my review.  I was not paid for this post.


Slyde said...

looks like a great book! i'm gonna look for it.

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