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Sunday, April 18, 2010

I love God's Green Earth -Review

I was sent a copy of I love God's Green Earth by Michael and Caroline Carrol to review as a part of a blog tour.  This great new book is a devotion book for kids who love God's Earth and want to take care of it. The devotion book is filled with fun facts, jokes, Scripture lessons and activities all designed to help kids learn how to take care of God's Green Earth.   The book is broken down into 90 days. Each day has a section that has a lesson, a connection, a fun fact, and what you can do. For the blog tour I was asked to review the lesson from day 18.

Day 18 The Strongest Storms on Earth
This lesson is about Hurricanes.  The Scripture for the day is Job 37:15-16  It talks about how God is in control of everything including storms like hurricanes.  This particular story was about Hurricane Katrina and the effects it had on earth.  It also talked about what happened to the wildlife and how the pelicans were affected by the storm.

The Connection: It connects hurricanes and other natural forces and shows how God is mighty and powerful in everything. Proverbs 30:4 is the verse used.

What Can I Do?  Reflect on God's Power

Fun Fact: This part was interesting it shared how meteorologists name the storms.

The Joke: What did one hurricane say to the other hurricane? - you will have to read the book to find the answer!

Our Action Step- 
One of the chapters was on taking care of God's creation.  So we filled a bunch of bird feeders to feed all the birds that have come back for the spring.

***Disclosure*** I was not paid for this post.  I was sent a copy of the book for review purposes.  Thank you to Tyndale for the book.


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