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little prince and princess"

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

I love the Kia commercial that came out during the Super Bowl.  My kids really thought the characters were fun, especially the one from Yo, Gabba, Gabba.  Before we moved we had sold our minivan, and we had been in search for a new vehicle for a while (long story).  We decided to test out the Kia Sedona, and loved it.  At the dealership the kids saw the characters from the commercial and we decided to grab them and I took a few pictures with the camera on my phone.


Katy said...

I'm obsessed with that commercial. My 10 month old daughter dances to it every time it comes on!

Jamee said...

Great pictures! Stopping by from SITS :)

Lisa said...

Super cute photos! That was one of my favorite spots from the Super Bowl too!

Stopping by from SITS! Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

What fun! I like that commerical too. Stopping by from SITS!

Andrea Kruse said...

Cute! I love impromptu snapshots.

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