"The most trusted preschool education for your
little prince and princess"

Saturday, March 27, 2010

On the move again

If you have been a follower of 1 Prince and 3 Princesses for awhile you will know that we have been in the midst of a move.  If you are new to my blog, here is a little bit of what is going on.  We put our house on the market in August of 2009.  My hubby received a job transfer from South Texas to Buffalo, N.Y.  At Christmas the kids all stayed in Pa with my parents, and my hubby and I came to Pa in mid- January.  We have been living with my parents since January and my hubby has been commuting 2 hours one way to work.  Well, on Wednesday the 24th our house finally sold!  No, it wasn't the best offer, but to be done with the worry and stress of selling a house that is thousands of miles away, we took the offer.
And now today we are moving yet again!  This time to an apartment that is close to hubby's work- no more 4 hour drives for him!!!  I can not believe I am moving our family of 6 into a tiny, three-bedroom apartment, but that is what I am doing today.  So I have been busy trying to get as many posts done, so that in the event that I don't get my computer set up, my posts should still be up and running. 
And as for us who knows we may just move again before the year is over!   Just a side note-We have lived in  North Carolina, Virginia, Texas and now New York, all in the eleven years we have been married~
Wish me luck~ and have a great weekend!


Caleb and Emily's Mommy said...

I am so glad your house sold! Ronnie said another move might be in the works. Email me when you get settled!

LisaLisa said...

I know how you feel. I too have moved into an apartment and boy I miss my home....but i must say i'm truly Thnakful for a place to stay. Seems sometimes in life we have to put aside how we feel and just go with the flow of life. I wish you and your hubby nothing but the BEST!

Dropping by from SITStas!

Anonymous said...

You will have a lot of togetherness in an apartment. That can be a good thing!

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